Coaches Clinics
Designed for coaches of all levels
(Little League, Babe Ruth, high school, junior college, travel ball, etc.), the Coaches Clinics feature
some of the biggest names in college baseball. Attendees will
hear presentations from each of the four coaches and learn
tactics to implement and introduce to their own teams. In
addition, all four coaches will participate in a panel
discussion, answering questions from attendees.

John Savage
Head Coach

David Perno
Head Coach

Rich Hill
Head Coach
San Diego

Pete Hughes
Head Coach
Virginia Tech
Atlanta Clinic - December 1,
Danny Hall, Georgia Tech Head Coach
David Perno, Georgia Head Coach
John Pawlowski, Auburn Head Coach
Tom Walter, Wake Forest Head Coach
Richmond Clinic - December 1,
Pete Hughes, Virginia Tech Head Coach
Chris Pollard, Duke Head Coach
Mark McQueen, Richmond Head Coach
Joe Raccuia, Radford Head Coach
Southern California Clinic - December 15, 2012
John Savage, UCLA Head Coach
Rich Hill, San Diego Head Coach
Steve Rodriguez, Pepperdine Head Coach
Troy Buckley, Long Beach State Head Coach |
9 to 10 a.m. Registration
10 a.m.
Session 1 -
11 a.m.
Session 2 -
12 noon
12:15 p.m. Panel discussion
with the four coaches (during lunch)
1:30 p.m.
Session 3 -
2:30 p.m.
Session 4 -
Cost: Early bird prices (includes lunch) -
deadlines vary by clinic
One or two coaches: $69 each
Three or four coaches: $65 each
Five or more coaches: $59 each
Regular rates (includes lunch)
One or two coaches: $79 each
Three or four coaches: $75 each
Five or more coaches: $69 each
Group discounts available, contact Phil Stanton at or 804-836-5897.
Space is limited. Coaches must register prior
to event.