2026 Open Dates

Morehead State: Newly hired Head Coach looking for home and road series for the 2026 season – most weekends still open. Ch.rose@moreheadstate.edu or 601-917-5291. (posted 10/3)

February 13-15

North Florida: looking for a home series. Can offer a small guarantee. Please contact Mike Petrowski at 609-529-2082. (posted 2/4)

Charlotte: Looking for home series with guarantee available. Please contact Head Coach Robert Woodard at rswoodard@charlotte.edu or Director of Player Development Tyler Simmons at gsimmon8@charlotte.edu. (posted 1/22)

Sacred Heart: Looking for away series with guarantee. Please contact TK Kiernan at kiernant3@sacredheart.edu. (posted 1/17)

Fordham: Looking for a road series or tournament, guarantee needed. Please contact Elliot Glynn at 562-743-2276 or eglynn6@fordham.edu. (1/14)

Canisius: Looking for 3 or 4-game road series or Tournament / Neutral Site w/ a Good Guarantee.  Please Contact HC Matt Mazurek (716) 597-5078. (posted 1/9)

Hofstra: Looking for a 3-4 game road series or tournament, guarantee needed.  Contact assistant coach Chris Rojas at 646-318-6269 or email at Christopher.L.Rojas@hofstra.edu. (posted 12/18) 

Arkansas State: Looking for a 3-game series. Open to a home series with a guarantee, a road series with a guarantee, or the start of a home and home. Please contact Cody Livingston at clivingston@astate.edu or 601-951-9940. (posted 12/6)

Michigan State:  looking for 3 or 4 road games.  Series or tournament with a guarantee.  Please contact Jake Boss at jakeboss@ath.msu.edu or 517-884-7365. (posted 12/5)

Southeast Missouri: Looking for road games.  Please contact Andy Sawyers at asawyers@semo.edu or (785) 477-7646. (posted 11/26)

Sam Houston: looking for a three-game series. Open to a home series with a guarantee, a road series with a guarantee, or the start of a home and home series. Please contact Associate Head Coach Shane Wedd at swedd@shsu.edu or 785-550-7278. (posted 11/23)

Wichita State: looking for an away series. Please contact Tad Reida at 765.432.8076 or treida@goshockers.com. (posted 11/18)

Gonzaga: looking for a road series or tournament, guarantee needed. Please contact Brandon Harmon at 509-953-6679 or Harmonb@gonzaga.edu. (posted 11/12)

BYU: Looking for an away series, guarantee needed. Feb 13-16 (Fr-Sat, Mon) 3 games or 4 games if you want to play Friday and DH Sat and single game Monday. We can’t play Sunday so if only 3 games we would need to play Friday, Saturday, Monday.  Please contact Tuckett Slade – tuckett_slade@byu.edu 801-694-4932.  (posted 11/12)

Purdue Fort Wayne: Looking for a 3 or 4 game weekend road series with a guarantee. Please contact head coach Doug Schreiber at 765-430-8147 or schreibd@pfw.edu. (posted 10/16)

Western Carolina: Looking for home series. Contact head coach Alan Beck at acbeck@wcu.edu. (posted 9/19)

Wofford: Looking for a home series. A good guarantee is available. Please contact JJ Edwards at Edwardsje@wofford.edu or 864-473-8282. (posted 9/16)

Virginia Tech: looking for home series that includes a game guarantee. Any questions should be directed to Cam Davis at camd25@vt.edu. (posted 9/11)

Auburn: home series. Please contact Greg Drye – gsd0010@auburn.edu – 228-596-6893 – guarantee provided. (posted 9/8)

Wagner College: looking for a 3-game road series with a good guarantee. Please contact Head Coach Craig Noto Craig.Noto@wagner.edu. Open to traveling almost anywhere as long as it makes sense. (posted 9/8)

Elon: looking for home series.  Guarantee available.  If interested contact Head Coach Mike Kennedy (kennedy@elon.edu) or 336-278-6741. (posted 8/26)

La Salle University: looking for a road series with a significant guarantee. Please contact David Miller at millerd@lasalle.edu or text 215-280-7646. (posted 8/20)

Louisiana Tech: Looking for 3-4 game Home series with good guarantee.  Please contact Lane Burroughs at lburroughs@latech.edu or 318-332-4219. (posted 8/20)

Niagara: looking for a road series with a significant guarantee. Please contact Matt Spatafora at mspatafora@niagara.edu. (posted 8/19)

Troy: Home with a good guarantee. Please reach out to via email (jbialkoski@troy.edu) or by phone (904) 401-4893. (posted 8/17)

Presbyterian: Looking for a 3-game home or away series. Possible guarantee if home; would need guarantee to travel. Please contact Head Coach Elton Pollock at epollock@presby.edu or 864-938-5152. (posted 8/10)

Mercer: open to all options. MU will provide a guarantee for home games. Please contact Matt Williams @ (770) 714-5342 or email at Williams_m02@mercer.edu. (posted 7/25)

Illinois State: Looking for a Road series, open to 4 games. Would need a guarantee.  Please contact HC Steve Holm at 916 539-5577 or srholm@ilstu.edu. (posted 7/23)

Belmont: Looking for a Home or Road Series, Guarantee Available. Would need guarantee or possible Home & Home to travel. Please contact AJ Gaura at aj.gaura@belmont.edu. (posted 7/11)

Louisiana Monroe: need home weekend or start of home and home series.  Guarantee can be provided. Please contact Mike Federico, 601-606-7369 or federico@ulm.edu. (posted 7/11)

UNCW: Looking for home series.  Guarantee available.  Would consider a multi-team weekend…3-4 games. Contact Randy Hood at 910.520.5414 or email at hoodr@uncw.edu. (posted 7/7)

Indiana: Looking for an away series or tournament, interested in 3 or 4 games. Contact Director of Baseball Operations Denton Sagerman at dsagerma@iu.edu or 440-242-7655. (posted 7/7)

February 20-22

Lindenwood: Open to a 3 or 4 game series.  Can be at home or away.  Would need guarantee to travel and can offer guarantee for home dates.  Please contact PJ Finigan at pfinigan@lindenwood.edu. (posted 2/24)

Sacred Heart: Looking for away series with guarantee. Please contact TK Kiernan at kiernant3@sacredheart.edu. (posted 1/17)

Fordham: Looking for a road series or tournament, guarantee needed. Please contact Elliot Glynn at 562-743-2276 or eglynn6@fordham.edu. (1/14)

Abilene Christian: Looking for 2 teams for a 3-Team Round Robin Tournament (Abilene, TX). Good guarantee w/rooms provided. 3 games guaranteed with possibility of making it 4 games. Opening a new ballpark in ’26. Contact Blaze Lambert, 817.879.7612, blaze.lambert@acu.edu. (posted 1/13)

UMass Lowell: looking to fill a road series. Any interested teams can contact head coach Nick Barese at 781-664-8007. (posted 1/8)

FGCU: looking for weekend series. Please contact assistant coach Matt Reid at mreid@fgcu.edu. (posted 12/18)

UMass: Looking for road series with good guarantee.  Please contact Head Coach Matt Reynolds (reynolds@umass.edu) (posted 12/13)

Michigan State:  looking for 3 or 4 road games.  Series or tournament with a guarantee.  Please contact Jake Boss at jakeboss@ath.msu.edu or 517-884-7365. (posted 12/5)

Bryant University: Looking for a road Series – Please Contact Ryan Klosterman at rklosterman1@bryant.edu. (posted 12/2)

Sam Houston: looking for a 3 or 4 game home series. A good guarantee is available or the beginning of a home and home series. Please contact Associate Head Coach Shane Wedd at swedd@shsu.edu or 785-550-7278. (posted 11/23)

Central Michigan: looking for a 3 or 4 game road series or tournament setting with a good guarantee. If interested, please contact HC Jake Sabol at sabol1jr@cmich.edu. (posted 11/21)

Texas Tech: looking for 4-game home series. Good Guarantee Available. Please contact Tim Tadlock at tim.tadlock@ttu.edu. (posted 11/7)

Tony Gwynn Legacy Tournament: Hosting a 6-8 team round robin. Guarantees are available. 3 or 4 game potential. If interested, please contact Shaun Cole at (520) 306-8207 or via email at scole4@sdsu.edu. (posted 11/4)

FIU: home series, can offer a guarantee. Please contact head coach Rich Witten at jwittenj@fiu.edu. (posted 10/28)

Purdue Fort Wayne: Looking for a 3 or 4 game weekend road series with a guarantee. Please contact head coach Doug Schreiber at 765-430-8147 or schreibd@pfw.edu. (posted 10/16)

Abilene Christian: Looking for a 3 or 4 game weekend series. Open to home or away. Can offer a guarantee for the visiting team; would need one if we were to travel. Contact Blaze Lambert, 817.879.7612, blaze.lambert@acu.edu. (posted 10/14)

USC Upstate: Looking to host a tournament.  Guarantee available.  Contact Head Coach Kane Sweeney at ksweeney@uscupstate.edu or 618-719-1934. (posted 10/13)

Western Carolina: Looking for home series. Contact head coach Alan Beck at acbeck@wcu.edu. (posted 9/19)

Evansville: Looking for a 3 or 4 game series at home.  Can offer a good guarantee.  Please contact Wes Carroll at wc2@evansville.edu or 812-589-1396. (posted 9/19)

UAlbany: Road Series, guarantee needed to travel. Please contact Associate Head Coach Jeff Kaier at jkaier@albany.edu. (posted 9/16)

Binghamton: Looking for a road series or tournament with a guarantee. Contact Head Coach Tim Sinicki at tsinicki@binghamton.edu or (607) 222-4968. (posted 9/11)

University of New Orleans: looking to host 4 team round robin. Guarantees are available. 3 or 4 game potential. If interested, please contact Brooks DuBose at (615) 878-0733 or via email at bdubose@uno.edu. (posted 9/8)

Wagner College: looking for a 3-game road series with a good guarantee. Please contact Head Coach Craig Noto Craig.Noto@wagner.edu. Open to traveling almost anywhere as long as it makes sense. (posted 9/8)

Cal State Northridge: Looking for a 3-game home or away series. Open to all options. Please contact Eddie Cornejo ecornejo@csun.edu (805) 280-2809. (posted 8/27)

Saint Louis: looking for a bus trip preferably w guarantee. Contact Darin.hendrickson@slu.edu 314-435-2340. (posted 8/26)

La Salle University: looking for a road series with a significant guarantee. Please contact David Miller at millerd@lasalle.edu or text 215-280-7646. (posted 8/20)

Niagara: looking for a road series with a significant guarantee. Please contact Matt Spatafora at mspatafora@niagara.edu. (posted 8/19)

UNC Greensboro: Looking for a 3-game home.  Guarantee available . Please contact Cody Ellis @ cmellis4@uncg.edu. (posted 8/17)

Presbyterian: Looking for a 3-game home or away series. Possible guarantee if home; would need guarantee to travel. Please contact Head Coach Elton Pollock at epollock@presby.edu or 864-938-5152. (posted 8/10)

Longwood: Looking for home or away series. Contact HC Ray Noe at 614-783-4025 or by email at noerd@longwood.edu. (posted 7/30)

Illinois State: Looking for a Road series, open to 4 games. Would need a guarantee.  Please contact HC Steve Holm at 916 539-5577 or srholm@ilstu.edu. (posted 7/23)

Nevada: seeking a 3-4 game series at home. Extremely large guarantee available. Contact Jake McKinley at jakemckinley@unr.edu. (posted 7/7)

February 27-March 1

Astros Foundation College Classic: The three-day, six-team tournament held at Daikin Park in Houston, TX, the home of the Houston Astros, is in need of one team to fill the 2026 tournament field. We do offer a competitive guarantee for the weekend. For more information, please contact tournament scheduling coordinator Steve Grande at sgrande@astros.com. (posted 2/9)

Orlando Baseball Classic at Disney’s Wide World of Sports: BD Global Sports is an industry-leading event management company who has seen tremendous success at the highest levels of college basketball and professional golf. We are now launching a first-class college baseball event in Orlando at Disney’s Wide World of Sports. We are seeking up to six high-level division I college baseball programs to take part in the inaugural Orlando Baseball Classic at Disney’s Wide World of Sports. Teams will be play three games against like competition and will be afforded a practice day on Thursday as well as full pre-game on ancillary fields. All games will be held in the Stadium with the intention of games being streamed or televised. Interested parties should reach out to Josh Franklin at JF@bdglobalsports.com or 859-494-3932. (posted 1/27)

Canisius: Looking for 3 or 4-game road series or Tournament / Neutral Site w/ a Good Guarantee.  Please Contact HC Matt Mazurek (716) 597-5078. (posted 1/9)

Saint Mary’s: Looking for home series, 3/4 games with big guarantee. Contact Head Baseball Coach Eric Valenzuela at 619-723-9188 or emv5@stmarys-ca.edu. (posted 1/2)

LSU: Looking for a Home Series with large guarantee. Contact Head Coach Jay Johnson; 225-397-7877 or jayjohnson2@lsu.edu. (posted 12/17)

UMass: Looking for road series with good guarantee.  Please contact Head Coach Matt Reynolds (reynolds@umass.edu) (posted 12/13)

Arkansas State: Looking for a home series. Can offer a guarantee for visiting teams. Please contact Cody Livingston at clivingston@astate.edu or 601-951-9940. (posted 12/6)

Gardner-Webb: Looking for home or away series. Home = Small guarantee | Away = Need guarantee If interested, please contact Jim Chester jchester1@gardner-webb.edu or 412-496-2065. (posted 12/4)

Southeast Missouri: Open to all options.  Please contact Andy Sawyers at asawyers@semo.edu or (785) 477-7646. (posted 11/26)

Northeastern University: Looking for a road series.  Would need a guarantee.  Please contact Frank Holbrook @ f.holbrook@northeastern.edu or by cell 401-855-4811. (posted 11/21)

Charleston Southern: Looking to host with guarantee available. Willing to travel for substantial guarantee. If interest, please email Brett Young at byoung@csuniv.edu. (posted 11/20)

Ohio University: looking for a home series. Open to either 3 or 4 game series. Can offer a good guarantee. If interested, please email Craig Moore at moorec3@ohio.edu. (posted 11/14)

Texas Tech: looking for 4-game home series. Good Guarantee Available. Please contact Tim Tadlock at tim.tadlock@ttu.edu. (posted 11/7)

Georgia: Looking for a 4 game home series, can start the 26th or play a DH on Saturday. Contact Kevin Knight at kknight@sports.uga.edu. (posted 11/5)

FIU: home series, can offer a guarantee. Please contact head coach Rich Witten at jwittenj@fiu.edu. (posted 10/28)

East Carolina: Looking to add a fourth team to our Keith LeClair Classic Round Robin.   Guarantee is available.  Please Contact Jeff Palumbo at 804-908-6687 or palumboJ14@ecu.edu . (posted 10/21)

Abilene Christian: Looking for a 3 or 4 game weekend series. Open to home or away. Can offer a guarantee for the visiting team; would need one if we were to travel. Contact Blaze Lambert, 817.879.7612, blaze.lambert@acu.edu. (posted 10/14)

Georgia Southern: looking for a home series, can offer a good guarantee.  Please contact Coach Rodney Hennon at rhennon@georgiasouthern.edu or (912)536-0746. (posted 9/27)

UAlbany: Road Series, guarantee needed to travel. Please contact Associate Head Coach Jeff Kaier at jkaier@albany.edu. (posted 9/16)

Cal Poly: Looking for home series (3-4 games) with guarantee or start of home and home.  Please contact Larry Lee at (805) 459-0422 or llee@calpoly.edu. (posted 9/8)

Wagner College: looking for a 3-game road series with a good guarantee. Please contact Head Coach Craig Noto Craig.Noto@wagner.edu. Open to traveling almost anywhere as long as it makes sense. (posted 9/8)

Cal State Northridge: Looking for a 3-game home series. Guarantee is available. Please contact Eddie Cornejo ecornejo@csun.edu (805) 280-2809. (posted 8/27)

Elon: looking for home series.  Guarantee available.  If interested contact Head Coach Mike Kennedy (kennedy@elon.edu) or 336-278-6741. (posted 8/26)

Saint Louis: looking for a home series. Can offer guarantee. Darin.hendrickson@slu.edu 314-435-2340. (posted 8/26)

La Salle University: looking for a road series with a significant guarantee. Please contact David Miller at millerd@lasalle.edu or text 215-280-7646. (posted 8/20)

Louisiana Tech: Looking for 3-4 game Home series with good guarantee.  Please contact Lane Burroughs at lburroughs@latech.edu or 318-332-4219. (posted 8/20)

Niagara: looking for a road series with a significant guarantee. Please contact Matt Spatafora at mspatafora@niagara.edu. (posted 8/19)

Xavier: Looking for road series, guarantee needed.  Contact Billy O’Conner at oconnerw@xavier.edu. (posted 8/13)

Murray State: Looking for a home weekend series. We can offer a guarantee. Please contact Dan Skirka at 269-420-6812 or dskirka@murraystate.edu. (posted 8/12)

Presbyterian: Looking for a 3-game home or away series. Possible guarantee if home; would need guarantee to travel. Please contact Head Coach Elton Pollock at epollock@presby.edu or 864-938-5152. (posted 8/10)

Marist College: Looking for a 3 or 4 game road series. A guarantee is needed. Please reach out to Mike Coss at Michael.coss1@marist.edu or 973-557-8010. (posted 8/10)

Longwood: Looking for home or away series. Contact HC Ray Noe at 614-783-4025 or by email at noerd@longwood.edu. (posted 7/30)

Mercer: open to all options. MU will provide a guarantee for home games. Please contact Matt Williams @ (770) 714-5342 or email at Williams_m02@mercer.edu. (posted 7/25)

Portland: looking for a home weekend series. We can offer a guarantee. Please contact Jake Holcroft (909) 957-5233 or holcroft22@up.edu. (posted 7/23)

Creighton: Looking for a Road Series. Guarantee needed or home and home possible. Contact Billy Mohl billymohl@creighton.edu. (posted 7/17)

Belmont: Looking for a Home or Road Series, Guarantee Available. Would need guarantee or possible Home & Home to travel. Please contact AJ Gaura at aj.gaura@belmont.edu. (posted 7/11)

March 6-8

Lindenwood: Open to a 3 or 4 game series.  Can be at home or away.  Would need guarantee to travel and can offer guarantee for home dates.  Please contact PJ Finigan at pfinigan@lindenwood.edu. (posted 2/24)

Canisius: Looking for 3 or 4-game road series or Tournament / Neutral Site w/ a Good Guarantee.  Please Contact HC Matt Mazurek (716) 597-5078. (posted 1/9)

Ole Miss: Looking for a three-game home series. Guarantee available. Contact Chris Cleary at cmcleary@olemiss.edu. (posted 12/30)

FGCU: looking for weekend series. Please contact assistant coach Matt Reid at mreid@fgcu.edu. (posted 12/18)

Hofstra: Looking for a 3-game series, preferably at home, open to the start of a Home & Home.  Also willing to travel within driving distance and with a guarantee.  Contact assistant coach Chris Rojas at 646-318-6269 or email at Christopher.L.Rojas@hofstra.edu. (posted 12/18) 

Northwestern: looking for a road series. Contact Head Coach Ben Greenspan at greenspan@northwestern.edu or 914-443-8688. (posted 12/16)

Michigan: looking for a road series. Please contact Danny Stolper at dstolper@umich.edu or (480) 695 – 3774. (posted 12/12)

Penn State: looking for a road series. Please contact Jake Stone at jake.stone@psu.edu. (posted 12/11)

Washington State: Looking for a home series with guarantee available. Please contact Nathan Choate 619-430-3096 or email Nathan.Choate@wsu.edu. (posted 12/3)

Southeast Missouri: Open to all options.  Please contact Andy Sawyers at asawyers@semo.edu or (785) 477-7646. (posted 11/26)

Wichita State: looking for a home series. Please contact Tad Reida at 765.432.8076 or treida@goshockers.com. (posted 11/18)

Oklahoma: Looking for home but open to away for a 3-4 game series. Can offer Guarantee. Contact Chief of Staff Ryan Gaines at rgaines@ou.edu or (405) 308-9437. (posted 11/15)

Omaha: looking for a 3-4 game home series, can offer rooms. Please contact coach Evan Porter at etporter@omavs.com. (posted 11/11)

Texas Tech: looking for 4-game home series. Good Guarantee Available. Please contact Tim Tadlock at tim.tadlock@ttu.edu. (posted 11/7)

Georgia: Looking for a 3/4 game home series. Contact Kevin Knight at kknight@sports.uga.edu. (posted 11/5)

Baylor: looking for a three-game home series.  Good guarantee is available.  Please call or email Mitch Thompson if interested at 254-709-9688 or mitch_thompson@baylor.edu. (posted 11/5)

Harvard: Looking for a road series with guarantee.  Please contact Assistant Coach Nate Cole nathancole@fas.harvard.edu. (posted 11/4) 

Sacramento State: We can offer a very large guarantee.  We would also consider starting home/away series or traveling for a large guarantee.  Feel free to reach head coach Reggie Christiansen at 916-956-6286. (posted 9/25)

Evansville: Looking for a 3 or 4 game series at home.  Can offer a good guarantee.  Please contact Wes Carroll at wc2@evansville.edu or 812-589-1396. (posted 9/19)

Wofford: Looking for a home series. A good guarantee is available. Please contact JJ Edwards at Edwardsje@wofford.edu or 864-473-8282. (posted 9/16)

UAlbany: Road Series, guarantee needed to travel. Please contact Associate Head Coach Jeff Kaier at jkaier@albany.edu. (posted 9/16)

Auburn: home series. Please contact Greg Drye – gsd0010@auburn.edu – 228-596-6893 – guarantee provided. (posted 9/8)

UNCW: Looking for home series.  Guarantee available.…3-4 games. Contact Randy Hood at 910.520.5414 or email at hoodr@uncw.edu. (posted 8/26)

La Salle University: looking for a road series with a significant guarantee. Please contact David Miller at millerd@lasalle.edu or text 215-280-7646. (posted 8/20)

BYU: Looking for a home series, guarantee available. March 5-7 (Thurs-Sat). Please contact Tuckett Slade – tuckett_slade@byu.edu -801-694-4932. (posted 8/19)

Troy: Home or away, would like to have a good guarantee if away. Please reach out to via email (jbialkoski@troy.edu) or by phone (904) 401-4893. (posted 8/17)

Presbyterian: Looking for a 3-game home or away series. Possible guarantee if home; would need guarantee to travel. Please contact Head Coach Elton Pollock at epollock@presby.edu or 864-938-5152. (posted 8/10)

Bradley: Looking for a road series, guarantee needed to travel. Please contact Head Coach Elvis Dominguez at 309-677-2684 or edominguez@fsmail.bradley.edu. (posted 8/10)

Alabama: Looking for a 3-game home series. Competitive Guarantee available. If interested, please contact Head Coach Rob Vaughn at rvaughn@ia.ua.edu. (posted 8/10)

Creighton: Looking for a Home Series. Guarantee available. Home games played at Charles Schwab Field. Contact Billy Mohl billymohl@creighton.edu. (posted 7/17)

Georgia State: Looking for home series in new stadium. Please contact Lars Davis at 217-419-6762 or ldavis160@gsu.edu. (posted 7/15)

Louisiana Monroe: need home weekend or start of home and home series.  Guarantee can be provided. Please contact Mike Federico, 601-606-7369 or federico@ulm.edu. (posted 7/11)

New Mexico: Looking for home series in Alburquerque, NM with Large guarantee.  Contact Head Coach Tod Brown at todbrown21@unm.edu. (posted 7/8)

Nevada: seeking a 3-4 game series at home. Extremely large guarantee available. Contact Jake McKinley at jakemckinley@unr.edu. (posted 7/7)

March 13-15

Samford: Looking for a 3-game home or road series.  Will provide guarantee or start of a home & home with return trip in 2027.  Please contact Associate HC Tyler Shrout tshrout@samford.edu or 205-356-4609. (posted 2/11)

University of South Florida: looking for a home series.  There is a guarantee included.  Please email Kevin Bowers, bowers2@usf.edu if interested. (posted 2/6)

Saint Mary’s: Looking for home series, 3/4 games with big guarantee. Contact Head Baseball Coach Eric Valenzuela at 619-723-9188 or emv5@stmarys-ca.edu. (posted 1/2)

ETSU: March 13-14. Looking for home weekend series. Can offer a guarantee or Home and Home with return in 27.  Contact Head Coch-Joe Pennucci. Pennucci@etsu.edu. (posted 12/20)

Pacific: March 13-16, looking to fill 3-4 games. Can provide a guarantee if you come to us. Will need a guarantee if we travel. Also open to starting a home and home for 2026/2027. Please contact head coach Reed Peters at rpeters2@pacific.edu or 209-774-6309. (posted 12/17)

Abilene Christian: Looking for a 3 or 4 game weekend series. Open to home or away. Can offer a guarantee for the visiting team; would need one if we were to travel. Contact Blaze Lambert, 817.879.7612, blaze.lambert@acu.edu. (posted 12/16)

Santa Clara: looking for a 3-game home series in sunny California. Guarantee will be available. Please contact Jay Brossman 801-230-0266 or jbrossman@scu.edu. (posted 12/12)

Southeast Missouri: Open to all options.  Please contact Andy Sawyers at asawyers@semo.edu or (785) 477-7646. (posted 11/26)

Wichita State: looking for a home series. Please contact Tad Reida at 765.432.8076 or treida@goshockers.com. (posted 11/18)

Utah Valley:  Looking for 3 game home series.  Guarantee available.  Please contact Nate Rasmussen at nate.rasmussen@uvu.edu or 8015487328. (posted 11/3)

UT Arlington: looking for a weekend series…home or away. Please contact Mike Trapasso at mike.trapasso@uta.edu. (posted 10/30)

FIU: home series, can offer a guarantee. Please contact head coach Rich Witten at jwittenj@fiu.edu. (posted 10/28)

East Carolina: Looking for a home series.  Guarantee is available. Please Contact Jeff Palumbo at 804-908-6687 or palumboJ14@ecu.edu . (posted 10/21)

Sacramento State: We can offer a very large guarantee.  We would also consider starting home/away series or traveling for a large guarantee.  Feel free to reach head coach Reggie Christiansen at 916-956-6286. (posted 9/25)

Western Carolina: Looking for home or away series. Contact head coach Alan Beck at acbeck@wcu.edu. (posted 9/19)

Charleston Southern: willing to host or travel within reason. Please contact Asst Coach Brett Young at byoung@csuniv.edu. (posted 9/17)

Wofford: Looking for a home series. A good guarantee is available. Please contact JJ Edwards at Edwardsje@wofford.edu or 864-473-8282. (posted 9/16)

La Salle University: looking for a road series with a significant guarantee. Please contact David Miller at millerd@lasalle.edu or text 215-280-7646. (posted 8/20)

Memphis: Looking for a home series…guarantee available. Contact Al Woods awoods4@memphis.edu or 901-351-0062. (posted 7/30)

Longwood: Looking for home or away series. Contact HC Ray Noe at 614-783-4025 or by email at noerd@longwood.edu. (posted 7/30)

College of Charleston: Looking for a home series.  Guarantee available.  Could travel within driving distance but would need a guarantee.  Please contact Adam Brown at brownad5@cofc.edu. (posted 7/29)

March 20-22

California Baptist: Looking for a 3-game home series with a great guarantee or the start of a home and home. Please contact Andrew Brasington at 951.541.6140 or abrasington@calbaptist.edu. (posted 1/14)

Bryant: Bye Weekend. Looking for a Road or Home series. Contact rklosterman1@bryant.edu. (posted 1/6)

Portland: Looking for 3 or 4 game home or road series guarantee needed for road. Please contact Jake Holcroft at holcroft@up.edu or (909) 957-5233. (posted 1/6)

Abilene Christian: Looking for a 3 game weekend series. Open to home or away. Can offer a guarantee for the visiting team; would need one if we were to travel. Contact Blaze Lambert, 817.879.7612, blaze.lambert@acu.edu. (posted 12/16)

Utah Valley: Looking for 3 game home or away series.  Guarantee available or could start home and home.  Please contact Nate Rasmussen at nate.rasmussen@uvu.edu or 8015487328. (posted 11/3)

UT Arlington: looking for a weekend series…home or away. Please contact Mike Trapasso at mike.trapasso@uta.edu. (posted 10/30)

Sacramento State: We can offer a very large guarantee.  We would also consider starting home/away series or traveling for a large guarantee.  Feel free to reach head coach Reggie Christiansen at 916-956-6286. (posted 9/25)

Wofford: Looking for a home series or away series.  A good guarantee is available at home and need a guarantee to travel. Please contact JJ Edwards at Edwardsje@wofford.edu or 864-473-8282. (posted 9/16)

La Salle University: looking for a road series with a significant guarantee. Please contact David Miller at millerd@lasalle.edu or text 215-280-7646. (posted 8/20)

March 27-29

Georgetown University: Looking for a 3-game home series with a guarantee. If interested please contact Edwin Thompson- edwin.thompson@georgetown.edu. (posted 2/19)

Samford: Looking for a 3-game home or road series.  Will provide guarantee or start of a home & home with return trip in 2027.  Please contact Associate HC Tyler Shrout tshrout@samford.edu or 205-356-4609. (posted 2/11)

California Baptist: Looking for a 3-game home series with a great guarantee or the start of a home and home. Please contact Andrew Brasington at 951.541.6140 or abrasington@calbaptist.edu. (posted 1/14)

Tarleton State: Looking for weekend series.  Can be home or away.  Would need a guarantee to travel and can offer a large guarantee to come to us.  Please contact Nick Zaleski at 281-467-6070 or nzaleski@tarleton.edu. (posted 1/9)

Utah Valley: Looking for 3 or 4 game home or away series.  Guarantee available or could start home and home.  Please contact Nate Rasmussen at nate.rasmussen@uvu.edu or 8015487328. (posted 11/3)

UT Arlington: looking for a weekend series…home or away. Please contact Mike Trapasso at mike.trapasso@uta.edu. (posted 10/30)

Creighton: Looking for a Home Series. Guarantee available. Home games played at Charles Schwab Field. Contact Billy Mohl billymohl@creighton.edu. (posted 7/17)

April 3-5 (Easter Weekend)

Cal State Bakersfield: Conference bye weekend. Open to all options. Contact HC Jordon Banfield at 734-276-8956 or jbanfield@csub.edu. (posted 11/25)

Western Carolina: April 2-4. Looking for home or away series. Contact head coach Alan Beck at acbeck@wcu.edu. (posted 9/19)

April 10-12

Gardner-Webb: Looking for HOME or AWAY series, need LARGE guarantee to travel. Please contact Jim Chester at 412-496-2065 or jchester1@gardner-webb.edu. (posted 2/9)

University of New Orleans: Open to all options, preferably a home series. Would need guarantee to travel.  If interested, please contact Brooks DuBose at (615) 878-0733 or via email at bdubose@uno.edu. (posted 12/17)

East Tennessee State: Looking for a 3-game home or road series.  Can provide guarantee or start of a home & home with return trip.  Contact Joe Pennucci-970-481-0393 or Pennucci@etsu.edu. (posted 9/9)

UNC Greensboro: Home or away, would need a guarantee to travel.  Please contact Cody Ellis @ cmellis4@uncg.edu. (posted 8/17)

April 17-19

Mercer: looking to host for this weekend. We have three consecutive away weekends before this weekend. MU will provide a strong guarantee for home games. Please contact Matt Williams @ (770) 714-5342 or email at Williams_m02@mercer.edu. (posted 12/20)

Indiana: Looking for a home series during our conference bye weekend, large guarantee available. Contact Director of Player Development/Operations Denton Sagerman at dsagerma@iu.edu or 440-242-7655. (posted 12/12)

Indiana State: looking for a weekend series, preferably at home. Please contact Mason LaGrange @ mlagrange1@sycamores.indstate.edu or (812) 697 – 4659. (posted 12/10)

Wofford: Looking for a home series or away series.  A good guarantee is available at home and need a guarantee to travel. Please contact JJ Edwards at Edwardsje@wofford.edu or 864-473-8282. (posted 9/16)

April 24-26

Samford: Looking for a 3-game home or road series.  Will provide guarantee or start of a home & home with return trip in 2027.  Please contact Associate HC Tyler Shrout tshrout@samford.edu or 205-356-4609. (posted 2/11)

UCLA: Looking for a three-game home series. Guarantee available. Contact John Savage at jsavage@athletics.ucla.edu. (posted 12/16)

May 1-3

Charleston Southern: looking to host. Needs to be at home due to Finals. If interested, please contact Asst Coach Brett Young at byoung@csuniv.edu. (posted 2/24)

Presbyterian: Looking for a 3-game home or away series. Possible guarantee if home; would need guarantee to travel. Please contact Associate Head Coach John O’Neil at jroneil@presby.edu or 401-451-1190. (posted 2/10)

Murray State: looking for a weekend series. Please email head coach Dan Skirka at dskirka@murraystate.edu or text/call at 269-420-6812. (posted 1/23)

UMass Lowell: looking to fill a home weekend.  We could play on the road but would need a guarantee.  Anyone interested can contact head coach Nick Barese at 781-664-8007. (posted 12/10)

UConn: Looking for a home or road series. Please contact head coach Jim Penders at
james.penders@uconn.edu. (posted 10/31)

May 8-10

Gardner-Webb: Looking for HOME or AWAY series, need LARGE guarantee to travel. Please contact Jim Chester at 412-496-2065 or jchester1@gardner-webb.edu. (posted 2/9)

University of Southern California: looking for a home weekend series.  Good guarantee available.  Contact Travis Jewett – tjewett@usc.edu if interested. (posted 12/17)

Western Carolina: Looking for home or away series. Contact head coach Alan Beck at acbeck@wcu.edu. (posted 9/19)

Wake Forest: looking for a 2 or 3 game home series.  Have to play at home due to exams.  All expenses paid as a guarantee. Contact Tom Walter at waltertf@wfu.edu or 336-793-6189 if interested. (posted 9/8)

UNC Greensboro: Home or away, would need a guarantee to travel.  Please contact Cody Ellis @ cmellis4@uncg.edu. (posted 8/17)

May 15-17

USC Upstate: May 14-16. Bye weekend. Looking for home or road series to play Thursday, Friday, Saturday.  Contact Kane Sweeney email: ksweeney@uscupstate.edu or 618-719-1934. (posted 2/9)

Bryant: Bye Weekend. Looking for a Road or Home series. Contact rklosterman1@bryant.edu. (posted 1/6)

Oregon State: May 14-16, looking for a home or road series.  Series to be played Thursday, Friday, and Saturday but will also play Sunday if you want. If interested, please contact Mitch Canham at m.canham@oregonstate.edu or 541-760-8913. (posted 12/28)

May 22-24

Midweek Dates

The University of Miami: looking for midweek games. Guarantee available. Any teams traveling down for spring break looking for games, please contact Rob Cooper at rob.cooper@miami.edu or 814.321.7179. (posted 12/3)

Troy: looking for all midweeks in 2026. Please reach out to via email (jbialkoski@troy.edu) or by phone (904) 401-4893. (posted 8/17)

Radford: Contact Alex Guerra 540-577-6435, ajguerra@radford.edu for mid week game interest. (posted 4/4)

Ohio State: looking to fill mid-week games. Please contact Damon Lessler at lessler.3@osu.edu to discuss. (posted 3/19)


New Mexico State: February 17. Looking to play a single Tuesday game in Texas. Please email Jake Angier at jangier@nmsu.edu if interested. (posted 1/20)

FGCU: Feb. 18, 24, 25. Please contact assistant coach Matt Reid at mreid@fgcu.edu. (posted 12/18)

Florida: looking for double midweek series on Feb. 24-25. Can offer guarantee. Please contact Buddy Munroe at BuddyM@gators.ufl.edu. (posted 12/18)

Oklahoma State: Feb. 24-25, looking for a home double midweek series. Can offer good guarantee. Please contact Hub Roberts at hub.roberts@okstate.edu. (posted 12/13)

Georgia: Have openings for the following home dates: Feb. 16, 17, 24. Can do a cash guarantee. Please contact Kevin Knight at kknight@sports.uga.edu. (posted 12/2)

Charleston Southern: Tues. Feb 24. Looking to host or travel within reason. Please email Brett Young at byoung@csuniv.edu. (posted 11/12)


Lamar: March 24, 25, 31. Please contact Will Davis wdavis12@lamar.edu or 225-802-3784. (posted 1/28)

Minnesota: Midweeks at US Bank Stadium in Minneapolis (indoors): March 10-11, March 24. Guarantee available. Open to double midweek or 1 game midweeks. Please contact Connor Gandossy gando020@umn.edu or call 203-918-7199. (posted 1/17)

Arkansas: all of March and April open. Please contact Clay Goodwin at rcgoodw@uark.edu. (posted 1/7)

West Virginia: Wednesday March 11. Good guarantee is available. Please contact Joey Cuomo (joey.cuomo@mail.wvu.edu) (posted 1/6)

FGCU: March 3,4; March 17,18. Please contact assistant coach Matt Reid at mreid@fgcu.edu. (posted 12/18)

West Virginia: looking for a midweek Tuesday March 31st or Wednesday April 1st at home. Good guarantee is available. Please contact Joey Cuomo (joey.cuomo@mail.wvu.edu) (posted 12/9)

Georgia: Have openings for the following home dates: March 17. Can do a cash guarantee. Please contact Kevin Knight at kknight@sports.uga.edu. (posted 12/2)

Charleston Southern: Tues. March 10. Looking to host or travel within reason. Please email Brett Young at byoung@csuniv.edu. (posted 11/12)

Akron: Tuesday, March 3, home game preferred, will travel within reason. Please contact Bryan Faulds at bfaulds@uakron.edu or 925-719-3813. (posted 10/8)

Virginia Tech: March 10. Any questions about filling this date should be directed to Cam Davis and camd25@vt.edu. (posted 9/23) 

Charleston Southern: Tues. March 10. Willing to host or travel within reason. Please contact Asst Coach Brett Young at byoung@csuniv.edu. (posted 9/17)


Minnesota: Midweeks at Siebert Field: April 14-15, April 20. Please contact Connor Gandossy gando020@umn.edu or call 203-918-7199. (posted 1/17)

Arkansas: all of March and April open. Please contact Clay Goodwin at rcgoodw@uark.edu. (posted 1/7)

West Virginia: looking for a midweek Tuesday March 31st or Wednesday April 1st at home. Good guarantee is available. Please contact Joey Cuomo (joey.cuomo@mail.wvu.edu) (posted 12/9)

Georgia: Have openings for the following home dates: April 7, 14. Can do a cash guarantee. Please contact Kevin Knight at kknight@sports.uga.edu. (posted 12/2)

Charleston Southern: Tues. April 7. Looking to host or travel within reason. Please email Brett Young at byoung@csuniv.edu. (posted 11/12)

Akron: Tuesday, April 28, home game preferred, will travel within reason. Please contact Bryan Faulds at bfaulds@uakron.edu or 925-719-3813. (posted 10/8)

Charleston Southern: Tues. April 7. Willing to host or travel within reason. Please contact Asst Coach Brett Young at byoung@csuniv.edu. (posted 9/17)


Georgia: Have openings for the following home date: May 5. Can do a cash guarantee. Please contact Kevin Knight at kknight@sports.uga.edu. (posted 12/2)